Carmel Francesca Byrne

Salon des Refusés
S.H. Ervin Gallery

Join Scratch Art Space Founder and 2024 Salon des Refusés finalist Carmel F Byrne, who has been invited to speak about her work this Sunday July 21, 2024 at 3pm.

Selected for the Salon by S.H. Ervin curators following the Archibald AGNSW trustees final edit, Carmel’s entry captures actress Sarah Greenwood for this large scale, impactful portrait. In a series of artist talks scheduled throughout the exhibition, Carmel will expand on her process and experiences as an artist living and working locally.

‘In the making of the portrait studies there was one story Sarah relayed. She was once caught in a rip and couldn’t reach the sandy bottom, panicked she struggled to break the surface, drinking in salt water.
I took a simple, minimalist approach for this painting of Sarah post-ordeal wrapped in just a towel. She has now a heightened vulnerability and is somehow wiser and more open to her experiences to become a most sensitive actor.’

All welcome, free with Gallery Admission.

S H Ervin Gallery website.

SMH Review of 2024 Salon des Refusés